Literacy in my life

           Who would think as soon as I could walk, I would be holding a book. My mother used to tell me that every night, I would be laying in my aunt's bed holding and pretending to read a book. On my left, on a table you would see my own glass of wine or champagne that I was actually never drinking and a lamp to help me see , and on my right, my aunt reading her novels with her own beverage and lamp on another table . I really loved her and still does ; My aunt Mildrede is an extremely talented public speaker and wordsmith and she's been here for me since the moment I was born and never stopped encouraging me in everything I do.
Last year of elementary school

          I do not recall a lot about my early childhood but my aunt moved out around my middle school experience. During this time, I went to a Catholic school and was forced to provide each new school year a summary written on paper of at least 2 books. Every August, in the extreme heat, I would be sitting and sweating on a chair reading and writting, and I would be doing it until school starts. As a kid trying to enjoy summer, it was always difficult and discouraging and on top, my mother would always be checking my work to make sure it was presentable, and as expected it was never good, never long or short enough and it went on until I left the school in 6th grade.

          At 11, I started my 7th grade which is already High School in my country in another Catholic school. To tell you teh truth, during this period  I genuinely started enjoying books for instance Les Malheurs de Sophie(Sophie's Misfortunes) by Comtesse de Segur , I also joined the drama club to participate in plays and it was during that time that "WATTPAD" would also be the peak. As I was so unsatisfied by the writings and plots of most of the books on the app, I started writing my own stories on paper; for instance,  one was about a forced marriage, and another one about a couple trying to stay together beside their different religions.  From 2016 to 2018, I was always encouraged by my classmates to continue my work. I will never forget that the reason I finally stopped was because I got in trouble for writing during class time. My punishement was surprisingly to write a kid book about the sinfulness of bullying.
Me in 2018

         Now literacy is a part of me, altough the journey has been long and hard, I have this unique relationship with literacy. I love reading mostly non-finction books, and enjoy recreating plays for example from Shakespear, Moliere and others.. with my friends and family. Most of my recommendations come from tiktok videos and instagram posts. In the end, I do not have any mentor/ role model for the reason that I want to have my own signature and be more creative. 

my sister, my aunt and me


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